La Duda



Este año ha sido sin duda uno de los mejores, pero también uno de los mas difíciles, ya que ha sido el que ha traído mas dudas, temores, pruebas para mi Fe, y mis sueños.

Últimamente me he encontrado con muchas dudas sobre mi mismo, y sobre mis metas,  me veo al espejo y me pregunto si en verdad habrá algo mas. Me pregunto si en realidad soy tan bueno para las cosas que me apasionan, si en verdad merezco el perdón y amor de Dios, si podre escalar ese muro que cada vez es mas alto, hace unas semanas alguien me hizo una pregunta que me sacudió, una pregunta que me hizo caer de ese muro que escalaba con tanto cuidado y lentitud. No fue una mala pregunta, o con intenciones maliciosas, solo era la duda de alguien quien se preocupaba por mi futuro.

“¿Que pasa si no se da lo que tienes planeado, cual es tu plan B?”, 

Estas simples palabras me hicieron ver que efectivamente no hay, ni tengo, un subalterno objetivo. No hay otro plan mas que el A, el cual contiene mis verdaderos sueños y metas, hacer lo que de verdad anhelo y quiero. Pero esa duda me hizo caer, volví a ver el muro, pero esta vez era mas alto, y este asta arriba decía ‘duda’, me limpie la cara, y decidí tirarlo, no escalarlo, ya que no era un muro para hacerme mejor, la duda no era algo que me ayudaría a ser fuerte, solo algo que destruiría mis sueños, era un estorbo, entonces fui por un martillo y desde aquel momento lo he estado derrumbando, aquí es donde me encuentro, en el momento de la decisión, ya que no quiero dudar mas de mi mismo, la duda solo demora nuestros sueños para que parezcan imposibles de alcanzar. Ya no quiero que dudar, ya no quiero temer, este muro es el ultimo obstáculo que tengo que saltar, es el ultimo diablo que tengo que callar. Porque es cuando estamos increíblemente cerca de nuestro sueño, meta, o propósito, que hacen al diablo lanzar la ultima piedra para confundirnos.

No intenten escalar ese muro, tampoco se tiren al suelo porque es muy alto, ese es el plan del diablo, querer vernos rendidos.

Es cuando estamos enfrente del éxito que por ultima vez dudamos, solo tenemos que tirar el muro y decir,”Si puedo lograrlo”.

 Y Jesús les respondió: «En verdad os digo que si tenéis fe y no dudan, no sólo harán lo que se ha hecho con la higuera, sino que aun si decís a este monte: Quítate y échate en el mar “, así sucederá.-Mateo 21:21





From all the things God gives to us, responsibility is the one we clearly overlook the most, God gives us many responsibilities in life, He makes us take care for a special something, and sometimes we don’t realize till’ it’s given time. Some of the things that God puts in our care, is our Faith, our familily, our love, etc… God gives us responsibility, and I think thats very important and interesting, responsibility is a HUUUGE deal, because even Jesus himself talked about responsibility,  “To whom much has been given, much will be expected”- Luke 12:48. Or the obvious Spider-man quote, ”With great power comes great responsibility”



(both are pretty much the same, just altered). God will always make us responsible for something, He gives us the authority to take care of somethng, however it is our choice to do so. But responsibility has already been given to us, so we should wish to be responsible for even the smallest of things that have been given. It is tough to be responsible, it clearly isn’t easy, Spider-man’s uncle had to die for him to realize what he had to do, God wants us to bear responsibility, because He wants us to be free.
“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”
― Sigmund FreudCivilization and Its Discontents


                                                 God bless



There are things inside of us that we can’t see (even with an x-ray), but that we know are there, hope being one of them. Life will always find a way to bring us to the ground, and we will forever (at the very least) try to move on, however when life truly strikes you down, and your beliefs, faith, and trust are all gone, theres always that little hope of wishing that things will eventually will get better, thats one of the reasons we see those posters that read ”hold on to hope”, because even in the midst of trouble, even in the middle of fear, this hope (as little as it can be) can bring you up. So, YOU must hold to hope, hope might be the reason that lost forgotten Faith returns. Hope is God’s last resource, for you.


Take care guys, God bless!


Is this all?



Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, ”is this it?”, referring to the fact or question if all there is to life is, go to school, go to work, use the computer, and just do what you always do? Is that all there really is to life? Having a decent job in a cubicle, and hopefully getting married? Well, I might just be a youngster, but I do know this, thats not all, there is more to life than meets the eye. How do I know this? Well because you weren’t born to fulfill someone else’s dream, there is a higher purpose for your life, you are meant to complete and accomplish wonders. I also know that you are good at something that almost noone else is good at, and if you can share God’s love through it (which you obviously can) then, don’t let go. Never doubt why you are here, because you are here for a reason, you were born, remember that, YOU ACTUALLY EXIST! Ofcourse you might not yet know, what you were born for, but I can assure you this, you weren’t born to work for someone else’s dream, because when you find your pourpose you’ll have yours as well, don’t waste your full potential, for you can move mountains (with God’s help and a little faith, ofcourse) thank you, and GOD BLESS! 🙂